Worlds Chat Wiki


These worlds were created in part by Worlds Inc. and in part by their corporate partners back in the day. You can find them in WorldsPlayer by clicking on Universe Map option above the mini map (pictured below).

Universe Mini Map

This is the Universe Map. You can then click on the world names to teleport to them. If you don't have a world installed, it will prompt you to download and install it.

Universe Map (Official Worlds)


Many of these worlds run best on WorldsPlayer versions 1890+.

Some worlds, like Mountain, aren't packaged with versions 1890-1904 due to a cap on the number of default installed worlds in those versions. Not to fret, you can install them when you come across them while exploring on the WorldsPlayer. Alternatively, you can install WorldsPlayer version 1920+ (compatible with Windows 7+) to have all default worlds packaged with the client install.

Index of Default Worlds[]

These worlds were created or included in WorldsPlayer which was launched in 1998. Learn more about each official world below.

For an index of user-created worlds, check out this page instead.

Contributors: if you don't see a page created for a world, feel free to update the page yourself according to the Contribution Guidelines.

Name Released
Ground Zero
Avatar Gallery
Dressing Room
Hang (lets)
Worlds Center
Animal House & Club
Britney World
Aerosmith Worlds
N.Y. Yankees World
WWF NewYork
Worlds Mall
Blair Witch Project
Hanson Worlds
BTopenworld 3D Worlds (British Telecommunications)
Bowie Worlds

Obscure Worlds[]

These worlds were also created by Worlds Inc. or their contractors. However, what makes them obscure is that they were not released officially as default worlds -- their original files have been recovered through digital archivist's efforts.

Name Estimated Year of Production
3D Sex Street
Asia Worlds (eNew Media)
Brain Dock
Cinema Virtual
Circle Bank
Coke World
Cyber Date
Horse Track
Metap (Meet At Plaza)
Tama Town
Virtual Sales Academy (Pearson)
VLES (Virtual Lower East Side)

Other clients[]

These are detailed in History, so check out that article for more information on their respective worlds.

Contributors: if you don't see a page created for a world, feel free to update the page yourself according to the Contribution Guidelines.

Worlds Chat Beta[]

Worlds Chat Gold[]


Worlds Chat Japan[]